Monsoon season, how to I make sure my home is covered?

Hello again, dear readers!

Jeff Champ here, your trusty insurance guide, bringing you some important insights as we head into Arizona’s monsoon season. Those sudden downpours can be both awe-inspiring and a tad concerning, especially when considering your home’s safety.

The Intricacies of Homeowner’s Insurance During Monsoon Season

  1. Water Damage vs. Flood Damage: A key distinction! Rainwater that enters through a compromised part of your home, like a broken roof, is usually covered. But for flooding due to external water accumulation, you’ll typically need separate flood insurance.
  2. Wind-Related Damages: Those monsoon gusts can be fierce. Thankfully, most homeowner policies cover wind damage. It’s wise to click photos of your property before the season as a reference point.
  3. Deductibles & Details: Some insurances have specific wind or hurricane deductibles. It’s crucial to know these nuances to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Safeguarding Your Home Before Monsoons Hit

  1. Home Inspection: Ensure there are no vulnerabilities. This includes checking roofs, sealing windows, and ensuring no gaps for water to sneak in.
  2. Landscaping Check: Trees close to your home? Trim them. This simple step can prevent a lot of potential damage.
  3. Stay Prepared: With unpredictable power outages and storms, having a stocked emergency kit can be a lifesaver. Think batteries, non-perishable food, and essential medicines.

Insurance Reviews & Updates

With changing climatic conditions and property values, what was sufficient coverage a few years ago might not cut it today. It’s always a smart move to review your policy annually.

Remember, insurance isn’t just about policies and premiums. It’s about peace of mind. And for that, knowing you’re fully covered is half the battle.

Keep those umbrellas handy and homes safe!

Peace of mind, every time,

Jeff Champ, your Farmers Insurance Agent.

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