July 2023

Understanding ‘Loss of Use’ Coverage: What It Is and Why You Need It

Hello there! Jeff Champ here again, your trusted Farmers Insurance agent. I’m here to help you decode the intricacies of insurance and explain how the different types of coverage work. Today, we’re going to focus on an often misunderstood, but highly important aspect of insurance, something known as ‘Loss of Use’ coverage. Let’s dive in! […]

Understanding ‘Loss of Use’ Coverage: What It Is and Why You Need It Read More »

Workers Comp Graphic

Workers Compensation – Does My LLC Protect Me?

Hello there! Jeff Champ, your trusted Farmers Insurance agent, here to shed light on another crucial aspect of business insurance: Worker’s Compensation. Today, we’re going to delve into a question that many Limited Liability Company (LLC) owners ask: “Does my LLC protect me when it comes to Workers’ Compensation?” To answer this question, we will

Workers Compensation – Does My LLC Protect Me? Read More »

How to protect your motorhome from theft and what coverage you need if it happens.

Hello there! As your trusted Farmers Insurance agent, Jeff Champ, I believe it’s my duty to not only provide you with the best insurance coverage but also to help you understand how to protect what’s important to you. Today, I want to discuss something that is a concern for many motorhome owners – theft. We’ll

How to protect your motorhome from theft and what coverage you need if it happens. Read More »

Host Liquor Liability Vs. Liquor Liability, which do you need?

Hello there! As your trusted Farmers Insurance agent, Jeff Champ, I’m here to help navigate you through the sometimes complex world of insurance. One area where I find there’s often confusion is around the subjects of ‘Host Liquor Liability’ and ‘Liquor Liability.’ Understanding these terms and knowing which coverage you need can be crucial when

Host Liquor Liability Vs. Liquor Liability, which do you need? Read More »

Additional Insured vs. Loss Payee, What’s The Difference?

Hello there! As your trusted Farmers Insurance agent, Jeff Champ, my commitment is to keep you informed and help you make sense of the often intricate world of insurance. In today’s blog, we will delve deeper into two terms that are frequently misunderstood in the insurance realm: ‘Additional Insured’ and ‘Loss Payee’. By understanding what

Additional Insured vs. Loss Payee, What’s The Difference? Read More »

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